One of the habits that most cause strangeness in other cultures is the act of sleeping in public in Japan (Inemuri). Know more.
Sleeping in public in Japan
There are photos scattered over the internet and reports of people who lived or were passing through the country of Japanese people sleeping on trains, in park benches and other places.
Nap culture
The nap culture is well accepted due to the fast pace of the Japanese. Hours of more than 8 hours a day are common. Many work overtime because of the culture of work in Japan.
Hardly a salary man leaves on time, it is common to go home only after 9 pm and further delays the next day are not tolerated.
On public transport
It is common for Japanese people to sleep sitting on seats or even standing. They usually work hard and fall asleep and take a rest on the subway or train ends up being well accepted.
This is one of the most considered moments for a nap and trying to revitalize some of the energy.
Being tired due to illness or exhaustion due to family responsibilities are also reasons of why many Japanese sleep on trains.
In school
The school pace is very high in Japan. There is a great expectation that young people will be able to enter college, pass exams and be hired in a good job.
For this reason, they study a lot not only while they are in school. In addition, extra-curricular activities are also common and well attended. Therefore, sleeping in public is one of the few moments to rest.
In the street
Sleeping on the street can have reasons that go beyond fatigue from work and study. Still, it is common to see taxi drivers sleeping in their cars or people lying on squares benches at lunchtime.